Sunday, February 19, 2023

Coding Challenge #7

Daily Programmer Challenge #397 (here)

Roman Numeral Comparison

Compare two strings of faux roman numerals. The function should return true if the first string's numeral value is less than the second.
Note: These are not real roman numerals in the sense that their order does not impact their value. A simplification for convenience.

// Example: "II" "V" => true (2 < 5)
// "VV" "VI" => false (5+5 < 5+1)

// convert faux roman numeral to number
function calc(ronum){
    var num = 0;
    for(var xint = 0, len = ronum.length;xint < len;xint++){
        if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'M') num += 1000;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'D') num += 500;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'C') num += 100;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'L') num += 50;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'X') num += 10;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'V') num += 5;
        else if(ronum.charAt(xint) == 'I') num += 1;
    return num;

// payload comparison. one < two = true, one >= two = false
function compare(ronum_one, ronum_two){
    var num_one = calc(ronum_one);
    var num_two = calc(ronum_two);
    return num_one < num_two;

// The values are not roman numeral format, but represent a number,
// so they will be randomly generated outside conventional order.
var ronums = ['M', 'D', 'C', 'L', 'X', 'V', 'I'];
function makeRonum(){
    var str = "";
    var len = Math.round(Math.random()*10) + 1;
    for(var xint = 0;xint < len;xint++)
        str += ronums[(Math.round(Math.random()*(ronums.length-1)))];
    return str;
function test(){
    var one = makeRonum();
    var two = makeRonum();
    if(compare(one, two)){
        console.log("true, " + calc(one) + " < " + calc(two) + " | " + one + " < " + two);
        console.log("false, " + calc(one) + " >= " + calc(two) + " | " + one + " >= " + two);


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Coding Challenge #54 C++ int to std::string (no stringstream or to_string())

Gets a string from an integer (ejemplo gratis: 123 -> "123") Wanted to come up with my own function for this like 10 years ago ...